Saturday, November 14, 2015

10 Tips for Selling On ClickBank! Affiliate Marketing Stuff!

10 Tips for Selling On ClickBank! 

By Donald Beres Jr. 

About this Author: Donald is a US Navy Veteran who became disabled in 1997, he is trying to become a “Real Poet/ Writer”. 

He considers himself an Entrepreneur, an Internet Marketing Coach, a Consultant, an Affiliate. 

He is a Self Published Author with Amazon's Kindle and 

Donald creates passive residual income streams by Power Blogging.

 Getting Started at ClickBank

When first we started as an Affiliate Marketer it was a popular choice. Now a days people are asking is Affiliate Marketing dead?

I always say No! Much like my beloved GOD in Heaven Affiliate Marketing is Not Dead!

Again much like with My GOD in Heaven, people have found out! It is not all a paradise waiting for the Mickey Mouse Club members to walk straight into and get started; and just begin beating on drums, strumming guitars, and singing away! 

No! It takes work and its not hard work really! But yes it is time consuming work. And yes there is a lot of It to do! For every single campaign we will attempt to do! And it comes with no guarantees! “IF” we did not do our due diligence and our research for to cause the Campaign to Bloom into full fruition. 

So this "Pipe Dream" as now they claim it to be! It doesn't straight away work! For real work is involved. And those "Mickey Mousers" are not up for that! No Sir re Bob! No! Not Sponge Bob! FOCUS Follow One Course "of action" Until Successful!

So many won't even attempt it; they avoid it as if it were a tank filled with 10,000 gallons of water. Which contains three Great White Sharks when in fact they are not Great Whites! Just three small mouthed sharks circling around in it! Sharks more afraid of them than they are of the sharks! Don't let your fear run a muck! See things for what they really are! And not what you imagine them to be!

These people they are afraid of Failing! Never realizing Failure is only fertilizer which causes one to grow. Especially when you learn to pay attention to your Failures! When you learn from them. And then you can learn from the failures of others too! Some people see sharks were they are only guppies or Buggy-eyed Gold fish!

Many are researching these topics daily: Affiliate Marketing, MLM Marketing, and Network Marketing every day. If a few people could simplify theses few topics they would be Billionaires within sight of a year. Or so I believe. 

No! I don't want to work that hard either and to re-teach the ignoramuses out there today. Well that would eat the heart and soul out of any Mentor! I know because I happen to be one of those ignoramuses. But I am not a quitter well at least not yet!

So Yes! Let them drop out especially if they were looking into using a ClickBank program. Even a complete novice to the world of affiliate marketing can earn a very handsome commission check “IF” they would but stick with it till they get it! 

So here are 10 of the most important tips I know to assist you in getting started with affiliate marketing and using ClickBank.

 1. First Thing to do Is a Little Self Research for all The Topics You Enjoy

It is not advisable to sign up Willy Nelly! With just any product. Do not fool your self into thinking you can promote everything and/or anything? 

It just is not possible! So Do Your Due Diligence! And make a list of everything and anything that You would peruse “IF” Money was not a decider in it!  

Pick Ten Topics: These are your personal Niches. Start with these they will keep you busier then you care to be. 

Pick Topics that bring you peace, joy, and those you enjoy to do. These are the things your mind is already acquainted with. And It will naturally pick up on and sort out all of the products it comes across in your day to day life.

This allows you to concentrate on those niches themselves and not get distracted searching for products. Don't catch Shinny Object syndrome avoid it like the plague because the time it will eat away from you is like that awful Flesh eating disease. Shinny Object chase will eat up your valuable Time.
 2. Research and Select the Best Affiliate Products for Your Niches at ClickBank!

Choose only those ClickBank products which pay you well. It takes the same amount of effort as the lesser paying products to set up and promote! 

Make sure the Owner or Merchant of that product supplies you with marketing tools IE. a Landing Page which is their Squeeze Page Not Yours! Links, videos, Images, reports, and articles. The more they have the less you have to do! You can use their resources which is advisable if it is a hot Product that sells well. 

Or you can do what you are learning to do. But always promote, promote, promote that product. 

Some affiliates purchase the product to ensure good quality and a fair price. This is recommended if you can afford it. 

Most Merchants will either discount, lend, or give you the product so you can do a excellent review of It. But this comes with being able to prove your abilities and a good track record. 

You Must be able to secure conversions; not clicks but conversions. Established merchants will often give you a copy to review and it never hurts to ask! 

You can tell them you'll ship it back or buy it. After you review it. Ensure them it will make it easier for you to sell their products to your subscribers. 

 3. Build One of You Niche website/ Blogs at either or

Quality again is more important here then quantity. Now after this First Campaign is up and running strong.
You will build your next similar Affiliate Niche Product Squeeze page. At the other website builder or host. Using similar key words and Keyword phrases. This allows for you to create a back link it is the beginning of your Traffic Wheel as you build out and up each Niche.

Remember most of you will be selling other peoples product for quite some time before you have enough knowledge to create you own products and promote them and know enough people to help you promote them.

One product at a time! You must think about what you want to accomplish with all of your Niches. Remember your Niches are not the Product that you are promoting they are related to the niche Itself. 

You don't want to create flipping websites that fade away! You want them to be evergreen or reusable time and time again. For new people at the beginning level are stumbling upon the internet every day. But you want to be able to direct the newbies as well inspire and help those more experienced.

4. Budget for Promoting Any of Your Products That Starts to Receive Attention!

Facebook has ads, Google has ads, Twitter has ads. These are all for you to use to drive traffic to you Sales Pages, Your Optin pages or squeeze pages to your off site Landing pages your affiliate's sale or squeeze page. Their websites or mini-websites. All of which should come from your Niche website/Blog. These three above are all paid options.  

There are many options that we discuss at: Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man And throughout our Blogs and Social sites at any given time. You will need to seek them out! But they are not hard to find.

They usually appear in small groups or posts.

Use Paid Traffic at first only “IF” your products are showing promise. Then spend a little and see if that improves your traffic as well as your conversions.Then do so accordingly to ensure your profit ratio.  

5. Driving Traffic to Your Website/Blogs And To Your Sales Pages!

The single most important thing about affiliate marketing using ClickBank or any marketing program is targeted traffic! You need to find those who are interested in what you are doing and how you are earning.

You Must realize when Building Evergreens as I do. Instead of Flipping websites or fade a ways it takes much, much longer to earn the big profits.

As you are very busy building up the web properties rather than your Campaigns. Which you are not going to do If you are wiser marketer than the guy typing this! 

Most of you can't or won't wait six years to start earning now will you? And you wont have to! To drive traffic without a Web Platform seems like a daunting task. And at times it is! Remember You will need a inside Guy! a mentor or a coach. Someone just a little better off that yourself or One who can dumb things back down to where and when the were in your position! Most people didn't journal their journey no logs or notes and some didn't do it their selves and paid to have it done.

Especially when you have little amounts of time and no money to spare. You will Need that Insider!The one who knows what you don't Know.

6. If you can't afford to Outsource the work you'll have to do it all your self.

You'll have to write articles, submit them to Article Directories. All across the Internet. You'll need to create several High quality Posts for all of your corresponding blogs. And endless other things etc. etc.

You may have to do a video, a press release, a podcast, a presentation. And all of these must relate to your niche which is relating to that particular product. An Again Time is Eating away at your Faith to succeed level. Some of you might have seen that example of a diamond Miner who was mere inches away and gave up and his mine to so lucky ass fool who didn't give up!

He Struck out with three other mines but this other guy it was his first attempt. He later committed Suicide jumped of a freaking high rise in the city after he heard about the news of the other guys seemingly instant success. just a few days pass it took that long for the news to reached him but he died the day he sold the mine. Because he had false expectations!

You might have to do some testing to see if it is even viable to Paid for traffic. for almost all of you it will not be! You may have to submit your website to search engines. To Book-markers, to Indexers. You can also exchange links with high Page Ranked websites. 

Do some Guest blogging at other Blogs similar to your niche. Do some posting and/or commenting at forums that are similar to your Niches. 

All of which must be design to allow you to add your link-able signature within those posts comments etc.etc. That signature must be active or copy and paste available. Which leads back to your website or to the affiliated products.

Their affiliated tagged or linked squeeze page or landing page, sale page, etc.etc. With your Id or you've wasted that Time which is increasingly ever the  more valuable to you. Your time and the time you spend posting. You can not afford to have an  Id affiliate link that does not work or you will not get paid.

Remember make them Evergreens. Mention your niche and your website. Put in your Link if the site doesn't allow it to be active most users know to select It and copy and paste it into the search box or select It and push go to link. 

7. Are You Building an E-mail List or a Data Base? 

You will often here it said “that the money is in the list” and this is somewhat true. Wisdom It is said is the knowledge of how, what, where, who, and when to do something to cause something you want to happen to happen. That causes the desired outcome!

If it is a list of buyers the wisdom could be the who, what, and when as could or how you should sell your products to them on a repeat basis. There are many many personalities out there in our world today and you need to some for sure or you may never sell a thing.

This is a subject in itself and you'll need to study a well written program, on affiliate marketing using ClickBank; in order to get the full picture. Or Visit My Master Mind on the Hill Blog and get a glimpse into personalities.

8. Be able to Answer Your Subscribers Concerns! Don't Lie to Them If You Don't Know Tell them So!

But Let Them Know You'll Research It and Get Back With Them. It pays to make yourself available to answer any questions from your subscribers and customers. Customer relationship is most important in any business. 

Make sure that you provide your Mission Statement, your Vision Statement, Your Privacy Policy, and your Affiliate Disclaimer. 

Use your real name and and best professional or company email addresses on all of your website/Blogs. And when you sign up at any affiliate program or else you may not get paid for all your hard work. Remember this is a real Business and it pays very well

You'll need to add an Opt-in Box or Squeeze page at all of your websites/Blogs and with all your funnels landing pages. Also on thank you pages for non buyers. Subscribers/ customers cannot contact you without these needed devices. Nor can they ask you any questions. 

All of which open up the lines of communication. Letting them know there is a real person behind the website/Blog there are thinking of subscribing to. And giving you a chance at another pitch. 

People Buy from you people buy you you are the product they want and need to Know like and trust you at some level before they will purchase anything you sell.

9. You Could Try and do a Joint Venture with a similar website/ Blog

You Can Promote Each Others Product and Niche Website/Blogs. If you are in a two tier Affiliate Program(MLM), Keep in touch with your sub-affiliates your[down-line team members]. Teach and motivate them to succeed. Because their success is your success! 

10. Working Consistently Building Up and Out Your Other Niche website/Blogs will strengthen your Traffic Wheel. These 10 tips are the basis for any affiliate marketing system using ClickBank to get started. 

You will be able to generate huge commissions. 

However, we have only scratched the surface here. “If” you want to be really successful you need to seek out and find all this information and to follow along with a mentor or an affiliate group. 

This way you will not become disillusioned as so many people do, because they are missing important elements in their strategies. 


Some of the Stuff I Know About Affiliate Marketing!: 6 Tools for the Novice Want to Be!


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Sinbad the Sailor Man
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Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

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