Saturday, September 19, 2015

Creating a Simple Company Mission Statement

Every Company and/or Website Needs Several Pages. An About Me/ Us Page, a Contact Page, a Homepage, a Landing Page, a Squeeze Page, and along with these they should have a Mission Statement.
Today I Created a Simple Little Web-site's Mission Statement for my PW&OSfStSM Website

This is the first one I have ever created and it is an example that I will post upon my Contact Page.

When building a website you will need several pages. And they should be rather easy to read short and to the point, they should be.

But we don't see too many of these at least not on my website. so here is the Mission Statement I created in about ten minutes off the top of my head for my Website today.
PW&OSfStSM Mission Statement

We here at JMK’s Babydog and PW&OSfStSM

We firmly believe in Fair Play and Family Orientation. We believe the Whole World is one big dysfunctional Family. We are seeking to bring her together and heal her wounds, as well as enlighten as many of her children as we can.

We believe this can be done through the Golden Rules of Christianity and Love. We are Dreamers and we are Believers of many things. For all things are possible unto us through our Father GOD in Heaven.

We seek to share the Knowledge we have gained and will try to gain better and increasing knowledge as we grow. We will Share what we gain where and whenever possible, and as easily and as affordable as we can.

We are starting with Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man. This is our first real time learning website and Its Beta test. And we have much to learn as we try to earn here on the World Wide Web.

Poetry Writes and Other Stuff is dedicated to furthering and encouraging Would be Poets and Writers, to create and share their works with the world. For we all have something to contribute. Father has given every last one of us; a gift.

If it is only a smile and we wish to share these as well. By sharing our thoughts and dreams with these Poets and Writers. By providing a learning website which teaches them to seek and to find. As well as encourages them by leading the way, by showing them how.

PW&OSfStSM is an actual attempt from the Owner and CEO of our company. To create and maintain this Learning and Encouraging Website. He does this mostly by example through the Site Itself. The site is up and working and is in a state of constant evaluations or change.

The site currently has a total of four Blogs, three Domains, or Web addresses, three pay Per Click Publishers and a variety of passive and interactive income streams. Ad Space rentals, Adsense from Google, and Affiliations along with Clickbank too.

Our aim is to show and lead the way for these Would be Writers and Poets as well as Songwriters and Producers of armature films, an Artist with their works of art to Just Do It. To get out and try to do it on the inter-net.

We wish to inspire Do Bees, those who are a little Old Schooled and those who wish to be a little New Schooled. We are all a creation of God’s and we are Wonderfully and Mysteriously made by Him and we wish to propagate that message.

And promote Peace and Goodwill among the Children of this world. Our World the only one that we currently have. We seek to Earn as we Learn and to Grow as we Go. We are looking forward to the day that Somebody will come and Play with us. The day that we all will play well together and cherish the time that we do have here with our Mother, our World, our Earth, and our Home.

Thank you! For taking the time to read our first Mission Statement statement ;o)

Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man
Donald Beres Jr our company's CEO/Owner

This is a simple thing to do. And it will give your readers and potential customers a bit more of your focus or your company's focus.

You create things like mission statement's to connect with or to reveal a side of yourself and/or company that your visitor and customer wouldn't normally see. You should give then, Honesty and track-able beliefs, morals, and/or standards that you truly believe in.

Remember you are hoping to build a relationship with your customers and readers. You are building up their trust and your reputation. You/ Product and your Brand are the first things a consumer ever connects with. Then maybe your beliefs and or content. If they don't trust you, they won't trust your content. And trust must be earned and maintained.

Here your Mission Statement, It sets the standards that you hold yourselves too. And believe me people do read these things. I never did, but I do now.

Thanks for your read and Comments.

Somebody Come and Play! Earn as You Learn, Grow as You Go!

The Man Inside the Man
Sinbad the Sailor Man
JMK's Production


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CYA Later Taters!
Thanks for watching.
Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

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