Monday, September 21, 2015

Six Months and Counting, But Who is Counting? I am!

Pay Per Click Publishing, Self Promoting, Schedules, Record Keeping, Time Zones, Where, When, and How to Post Links and Who to Follow?

Learning from the Top Ten

First off who are the Top Ten, where do you find them, and how is this decided?
Is it some little head hunter in some corner office?

Maybe, who really knows for sure?
I don't, Nor do I truly care who is first or who is last. Anyone brave enough to throw themselves under this fast and never ending bus or put themselves out there is worth a look see to me.

But this is not how it works here in the real world, but you must understand I don't live in the real world as most people think of it. I believe all things are possible and are attainable when one truly wants them and is faithful. 

With no doubts about it that person will succeed, and at the very least, well they'll get things done anyway. I did not say that they will get to keep them (these things) though. Or that it will be exactly what they first had pictured in their minds at the start of their adventuring int the unknown.

Rankers and their stats are the ones and the things used to earn the positioning of the Top Ten. Popularity we all know drives the things Ranking Companies like use to rank websites all over the Globe and here in the good old US of A.

Page Views, Click-throughs, Length of Time, on the page or site, and Load Times are also used to value a page or site's ranking. Links ins and Link outs as well add value to a site or page. 

Pings and Back-traces, I am not sure just yet, what all these things have to do with who is in the lead. I think it changes daily, anyway. But anyway you look at It, Traffic is King! Quality Traffic is better, but traffic is still King.

Red lights, Green lights and the occasional Yellow lights. Sites which have little to no down time Green light, a site always going down or freezing up or infested with Viruses or pop-ups a definite Red light.

The Yellow I guess would be the one you might have caught something at once and don't bother to click their stuff too often or even stay any length of time because it just can't compete with the Green Light that is your Favorite Site.

Facebook is one of my Green lights and is ranked #2 by Alexa

Google of Course is #1 But it doesn't appeal to me as well as Facebook or Youtube does, but it still is #1

YouTube #3 Yahoo #4 Windows Live #5 #6 #7

Wikipedia #8 QQ.Com #9 and Twitter #10

I always throw in Yahoo, Wordpress, ebay, and Amazon as well.

These I consider to have it all and got it down pat. There is a new up and comer called I would keep your eye on it as well. Watch them and do what they are doing. Listen to what they say and what is being said about them pay attention to what they may or might do.

You need to try to become sensitive to the trends and their threads, of these Sites especially. This will give you insights and endless ideas.

Watch the many infomercials here on the Web. They are filled with stuff some have actual quality Information. But if you don't watch them you won't find it remember watch them don't buy them!

Is a Website Necessary? Yes I think So, but not Right off the Bat

The 123's and the ABC's I do things Ass backwards because that is how my brain processes things, all jumbled and turned around.

You need Platforms to land on and jump off from. These platforms need to lead your readers to other landing and jumping off sites, and you need to be there in plain sight. Sites such as Social Sites, Book Marking sites, and Indexing sites.

You can join and build followers at these sites as you learn and earn with your Pay Per Click Publishing sites.,, and are the ones I am using. You can join all these for free! Join as well.

Why join Because Blogger is associated with Google and is the easiest one to qualify with to get Adsense by Google and you want Adsense by Google and this along with Hubpages and and others that are associated with Google readily and easily accessible to the Number one Search Engine.

This gives you a set up and a foot in for future earnings with ads by Google or it puts your foot in the door. Not every one that applies for Adsense will get it the first time they apply I didn't.

Without Traffic, Quality Content, and Volumes of it neither will you. I think these are the things that Google is using to select those to participate in their Adsense program. Along with dedication and weekly posting or participation. for videos, get an account collect Videos and share them with your friends. But they need be things that you are genuine about, for me that's my Writes, Pool, Scuba Diving, and Motorcycling, although I am not doing much with any of these things at the present they are what I know and like to do.

Facebook, Myspace, and LinkedIn are great social sites. is a great media Platform to post your links and ideas from, with Millions of others and you'll get very little flax if you over post.

The key to posting the same material here at Twitter is not to spam. Spamming is the same information disguised as something else the same info repeated daily, hourly, and weekly with no sensibility to it. If you do not take a little time and participate as you post you'll be marked as a spammer.

I post all my writes at least three times a week, once a day for those three days, and at different times of the day. I change the way the link reads monthly, it is still the same write, but it is not the same post.

After that I only post links to my writes that have something to do with the info streaming through the site at the time. Whenever I am not posting I am playing and building up my Social Sites and Book Markers waiting for an opportunity to post my links.

Remember not everyone is going to click every time you post something if you have two thousand viewers, friends, or followers they are not all on at the same time. Re-tweet and you will be Re-tweeted. Give and Take, The Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you or do better than that if, you want more friends and followers.

The Journey Begins With That First Step So Get to Stepping!

Just Do It! You Can Do It! If a Mixed Upped Pup Like Me Can; So Can You!

Plant some seeds and watch them grow. Vending machines and Bubble gum machines. I remember as a kid seeing these things, everywhere and in every Drug Store, Laundromat, Rest Area and/or Gas Station.

I kind of think of my Pay Per Click writes as these machines. They are just sitting there waiting for the next passer by to take notice and plop that penny, nickel, dime, or quarter into them.

Pay Per Click Publishers are the store fronts and our writes are our Bubble gum machine, soda/pop machine, or Vending machine. Each one of these makes a great amount of Money and at different monetary amounts just like our writes.

A 50/50 split is the norm with most Pay Per Click Publishers. But never forget to put and place new members into your income stream as most PPCP have some type of affiliate program.

Do's and Don't

The Do's and Don'ts first off do not Quit! Once you start this venture do not quit, till you see the potential of these little machines known as Writes, Videos, and Audios and all the other media streams available to you almost all of them can be used with Pay Per Click Publishers or at least most of them, then if you decide it's too much for you to handle okay, try and find something else.

There is much out there to find, but I know that this this works, how it works is up to you and how you Market it, Work it, and Desire it.

Do use the Profile sections of all your sites, that you join and participate in. Do Copy and Paste these pages links into all your Sites, Blogs, and Social Net Workers and Don't Forget Your Book Marker and Indexing Sites Either. Most of all have Fun! And Keep having it daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and watch your income streams grow.

Somebody Come and Play! Earn as You Learn, Grow as You Go!

The Man Inside the Man
Sinbad the Sailor Man
JMK's Production


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CYA Later Taters!
Thanks for watching.
Donnie/ Sinbad the Sailor Man

Somebody Come and Play in "Traffic" with me. If you would like to "Join" A Growing Biz Op! Here is Your Chance to get in an Earn While You Learn to Do "The Thing" with us all here at Traffic Authority.

Simply click this link and Grow as you Go Come and Play In Traffic With Me and My Team at Traffic Authority!

P.S. Everybody Needs Traffic! Get Top Tier North American Traffic Here!

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